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Writer's pictureJJ Robinson

Wonderland Vision


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         The name shall be known as Internet Village.

Doing Good Ambassadors Plan.

         A. Assist anyone who needs support to achieve their purpose in life.

          B .   Ensure good morals, impact digital transformation, technical academics and all round discipline among artists, artisans, students, fellows.

          C.    Support the widows, orphans, mentally challenged persons, create employment for underprivileged & talented people.


           A.   All the SK

           B.   Members of the association in any of the classes do  not and shall not give any member of any

                 class a right to any of  the money, properties or assets of the Association, except if its

                  authorized by the executives.

           C.   A member whose application for membership has been accepted shall be bound by the

                 constitution, Rules &By- laws of the Association. No person shall be absolved  From  the effect

                 of the Constitution by reason of the fact that  he may not have received a copy thereof.



           A.    Preside over all general, executive and emergency meeting,sign cheques and adopt minutes.

           B.   He should direct the secretary to summon meerings and distributes circulars.

           C.   He makes decisions during conflict.


            A.    Represent the president when absent.

            B.     Advise the president on issue when necessary.


             A.     He/she shall cover the general, executive and emergencyMeeting and take charge if the associations


             B.       Records all proceedings and outcomes at the meetings.

             C.       Direct other officers below the rank of president and Vice president when the need arises.


            A.      Collect all the money at the meeting or money meant

                      For the Association.

             B.      Pay all the money to the treasurer as early as possible And keep all financial records and account of

                      the Meeting.

             C        Prepare the associations Vouchers and cheques.

             D  .    Treasurer receive all the money realised from the

                       Association from the financial secretary and bank Them within (4) days to the bank account of the


             E.       Sign receipts for the money received and pay off Money as the association may demand.

             F.       Must surrender all records to the association when Needed and keeps custody of the association

                       Financial document eg. Bank teller, check books and Atm  etc.


                A.     Ensure orderliness during meeting and collect all thr  Fines during meeting especialy Noise making,

                         late  Coming, fighting etc and pay directly to the financial  Secretary who will hand it over to the

                         Treasurer for Recording.

                B.       PRO notify all the association members about datesVenue and time for meetings and other things

                          Directed to him by the president.


           A.           A fine of #1000 shall be paid by all members for Monthly dues.


        B.          Any Absentee without a writtten  Or valid permission shall pay a fine of #1000(One Thousand naira)    

                     for clause 11E section, and  is very much mandatory.

        C.          The executive committee shall decide as at when to impose levies on members.

        D.         Any side talk or noise making while the General Meeting is proceeding is prohibited and shall be

                    Punishable by a fine of #100(one hundred naira).

        E .        Disturbance at meering is punishable by a fine of  #500(five hundred naira) eg fighting or causing  


        F.         Disobedience to president's order attract a fine of  #500 ( five hundred naira).

         G.       Posting of irrelevant, irresposible and Insignificant pictures, videos, documents,  Articles,

                   journal etc while the meeting is going on And is not in line with the purpose, objectives

                   And proceedings of the meeting will attract a Fine of #1000(one thousand naira) payable at

                  The general meeting of the association.

         H.       Each member are mandaterd to pay a burial level of #1000 for each burial.



        A.    A MEMBER'S PARENT:

               Any member of the association that looses his parents should endeavour to notify the

               Association  on time say one month to the burial with a details of the event for us to prepare well for the

               Funeral. The association will pay a condolence visit to the member's family or to the member with  a purse

               Purse of #30, 000, A wrapper  and  a crate of malt.

               NB: Some consideration are to looked into concerning this part. eg the location, amount to contribute and  

               The issue to send delegates or not.

      B.   A MEMBER:

                When the Association looses a member,it is very much mandatory and necessary for all the members of

                The association to attend the funeral proceeding of the deceased member. The executive officers of the

                 Association will review the members profiles in the register to know if he/she is up to date and if yes

                 A proper preparation will be done and the association will pay a well organised condolence visit to the

                 Member's family during the burial with a purse of #40, 000 and a crate of beer.

NOTE:  A compulsory payment of #1000 will be paid by all members at Any Burial.. As written in clause A and B.Then defaulters of not  attending a members funeral attracts a fine of #2000 for those in         Nigeria.                                                                                                                .                                                                                                                      

                 Also the figure above is subjected to amendment during every AGM.


                 The celebrant will notify the association on time say one month to the ceremony for association to

                  Prepare adequately for the event, and the celebrant will provide the following items to the association on

                  The day viz;

            A.    Half cooler of Rice  with 1 full fried chicken.

            B.     20 pieces of semi with well prepared soup.

            C.     2 packects of bottled water.

            D.    2 crates of beer & 1 crate of malt.

                   And in return the association will give a token amount of #50, 000 to the celebrant.



               The celebrant will give the association at least a month notice so as to enable the association to

                Prepare adequately. The member will in received a paurse of #20, 000 from the association with a #1000

                Mandatory payment by all the menber.


                 When a menber of the association is face with difficuity or challenges eg Sick, the assocation will visit

                 The sick member with a any token that was realize throung a free donation from the members.


A.        A member may resign his membership or executive positions by notice to the General assembly of the  

          Association with a written letter.


                 SKCS Alumni 2007 Association shall have right to start an impeachment enquiry with a highest number of

                 votes with all financial up to date voting members. The offices of the executives will be impeached or

                  request to resign if found guilty in an unwanted behaviors, criminal charges, providing favors to members,

                  or involved in financial mismanagement.


        A.       Each elected officer shall hold office for four three consective year after that in which he was elected

                    and,  upon the expiry of such period, such member shall automatically  retire from office but shall be

                    eligible  for nomination and re-election as an officer provided that he retains his qualification.

       B.          At the Annual General Meeting, voting for the election of members  shall be by way of ballot of those

                    members present, online (electronic voting of certified members that are not present in person) or by

                    show of hands as the Chairman may decides.


      A.    The elected President of the Association, and in his absence the Vice-President shall automatically  

             Become Chairman of any meetings. In the absence of both the President and the Vice-President, The

             Secretary General shall assume as the Meeting Chair, or the member shall elect one of the trusted

             And financial up to date members  present to act as Chairman.

  B.         All  meeting of the association shall start at the hour of 8pm (can be change when the need arises).

  C.         The  association meeting will be holding at the end of every month.

  D.         The executive meeting will be a week before the genreal meeting of the month.


  E.          The association  shall meet in person for those residing in Awka, Onitsha and Asaba at least two (2) times

                in each year. Two (2) weeks’ notice at least shall be given to all members residing on the above cities    

                mention unless the member agree to accept a shorter notice and is very much mandatory for all members.



    A.          The Annual General Meeting of members of the Association shall be held at such time and place as the

     Committee may determine but as soon as may be after first week of january in each year.

     NB; Date, venue and time will be fixed considerablywhen the need arises

    B.            Notice of the date, time and place for the holding of the Annual General Meeting shall be posted by

      Messages to each of the members of the Association at his registered address number as appearing in the

     register of members, at least four (4) weeks before the date fixed for the holding of such meeting.

    C.            The omission to send by post any such notice to any member shall not invalidate the holding of the

                  meeting, or the passing of any resolution thereat.

   D.             Notice of the terms of any resolution to be proposed at an Annual General Meeting, other than

                   concerning ordinary and general business, shall be lodged with the Secretary-General at least fourteen (14)

                   days before the date fixed for such meeting.


   A.             At the Annual General Meeting the Committee shall present an audited balance sheet and income

                    statement drawn as at first week of january of the preceding financial year, together with its report.

   B.              The ordinary business to be done at an annual general meeting shall be as follows:

            i)      To confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and any Special General Meeting(s)

                     held since the previous Annual General Meeting;

            ii)      To receive and consider the report of the Committee and the financial statements for the preceding

                      financial year with the auditors’ report thereon;

            iii)        To elect a President of the Association nominated by the members;

            iv)        To elect a Vice-President, Secretary-General and Treasurer of the Association nominated by the  


            v)         To consider and to pass, with or without modification, any resolutions concerning the affairs of the

                         Association of which due and proper notice has been given and any other business concerning the

                          affairs of the Association.




      A.         The Committee may at any time, through the Secretary-General, call an emergency General Meeting of

                   members by giving not less than seven (3) days’ notice to members specifying for what object or objects

                   the meeting is called.


     B.            The Secretary-General shall convene an emergency General Meeting of members of the Association,

                     upon  receiving the message to all members, specifying any resolution or resolutions proposed to be

                     moved or other business to be discussed. The Secretary-General shall post to each member at his

                      registered number,  email address or WhatsApp address a copy of such notice at least seven (3) days

                      prior to the holding of the meeting.

     C.             The omission to send by post any such notice to any member shall not invalidate the holding of the

                      meeting, or the passing of any resolution thereat.

16.    VOTING :


    A.               Registered and active members shall be eligible and entitled to vote at an Annual General Meeting of

          members of the Association and each such member shall have one vote.

    B.              In connection with the election of members of the Committee, the voting shall take place as provided  

                      in clause 10b above.

     C.              A declaration by the Chairman of the meeting of the result of a show of hands or a ballot, as the case

                      may be, shall be conclusive.




The Constitution of the Supreme Knowledge Comprehensive School Association, or any part thereof, as contained in these rules, shall be amended only at the Annual general meeting , and a resolution should be adopted by a majority members of the Association present at an Annual General Meeting , including online membersof which due and proper notice has been given, a Seven (7) days’ notice of the intention to propose and move a resolution for the adoption of a new rule or the repeal or amendment of an existing rule and setting out the terms of such proposed resolution, shall be given to them.,



      A.  A member of the Association SKCS Alumni 2007 shall be guilty of misconduct should he, or her, all members

           in all classes, except with seniority priorities in the opinion of the executives.:


i) commit any breach of this Constitution or the Rules or By-laws of the Association; or


ii) Be guilty of any improper conduct; or


iii) Fail to make payment of any money due to the Association after due notice; or


iv) Be guilty of conduct in any way offensive to members of any class or to the executive; or


v) Introduce into the Association or any meeting of the Association any person whose presence therein shall be prejudicial to the interests and reputation of the Association or objectionable to the members as a whole; or


vi) Be guilty of behaving in a manner unbecoming a member of the Association or prejudicial to the interests and reputation of the Association, whether within the Association’s premises or outside them, or without cause or justification behave in a manner which is offensive or unbecoming towards any other member, or guest, or the staff employed by the Association.

       B.               The hearing and investigation of any complaint as to the conduct of a member, and the procedure to

                         be adopted in connection therewith, shall be in the sole discretion of the Executives, provided,

                         however, that the member whose conduct is the subject of complaint and investigation shall be

                      informed of the nature of the complaint, or the Executive shall take any reasonable steps to bring to

                      his notice the nature thereof, by posting a registered letter to his registered address number or

                      otherwise, and provided that such member shall be afforded an opportunity of replying to any such

                      complaint, whether in writing or in such other manner as the Executive may determine.


             c) The powers and duties of the Executives as set out in this rule shall not be delegated to any other



            d) The Committee, after investigation, shall have the power in regard to a member who, in its opinion, has

                 been guilty of misconduct as described in sub-clause (a) above:


i) To expel such member for two weeks, who shall be ineligible for re-election; or


ii) To deprive such member of any or all of the rights, benefits and privileges of his membership during such time or period as the Executives in its absolute discretion may deem fit; or


iii) To call upon such member in writing, through the Secretary-General, to resign and, if he fails to tender his resignation within seven (7) days of the date of such request, to expel such member, who shall then be ineligible for re-election; or

           iv)         To caution and pardon such member based on seniority priorities; or

            v)         To impose such condition upon such member as to the use of the facilities of the Association as the

                         Executive may in its sole discretion determine.

            vi)        The decision of the Excutives under this rule shall be notified to such member.


                        In the case where the context otherwise requires, singular words shall be deemed to import the plural

                         and vice versa and the masculine gender shall be deemed to include the feminine and neuter genders

                         and vice versa.






21.     GENERAL


A.       A copy of the Rules and By-laws and of any repeal or amendment thereto or new rule effected from

         time to time shall be available for the inspection of the members upon application to the Secretary-

         General. Every person, upon becoming a member of the Association, shall receive on request a copy of

         the rules of the Association as embodied in this Constitution, or as amended from time to time,

          together with such By-laws as may be in force.

B.       A special notice or account to a member shall be properly delivered by posting it to the member’s

          registered numbers, Email addresses, and WhatsApp numbers as appearing in the register of members.

          In the event of any member failing to register his address, or in the event of letters posted to the

          registered address being returned, (bounce back), such notice shall be considered as having been

          properly given by placing the same on online platform communications.


                       The Association shall be indemnified against all costs, losses and expenses which he may incur or

                        become liable for by reason of any act or thing done by them as such in the discharge of his duties to

                        SKCS Alumni 2007, unless the loss in question is caused by a member through his own gross

                        negligence, dishonesty or breach of trust.


                        Supreme Knowledge Comprehensive School Alumni 2007 Association may be dissolved by a

                        resolution passed at a Annual General Meeting called for that purpose, provided that such resolution

                        is passed by a majority of association members present and entitled to vote at such meeting and, has

                        cleared all their financial debts and with no criminal records pending with SKCS Alumni 2007. Further,

                        that such resolution is confirmed at Executive l Meeting held not less than four (4) weeks

                        thereafter by a majority vote of members entitled to be present and vote thereon both in person, or

                        via online. In the event of such resolution being passed , the Executives shall also have power to  

                        pass resolutions by a majority vote for the appointment of a liquidator and the disposal of the

                        surplus funds and assets of the association after winding-up and  after the payment of all the debts

                       And obligations of the Association, provided that any surplus assets  shall be given or transferred to

                       SKCS  School or to the les-privileged.

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