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Writer's pictureJJ Robinson

5 billion in Marketing Keep up to speed with what’s happening in B2B marketing each week.

Last week, we talked about a creative renaissance for B2B marketing. If you’re still stuck with static and stuffy marketing content, this is your official invitation to join the revolution. In our recent survey of senior marketing leaders, 81% said B2B marketing is producing creative campaigns that rival our colleagues on the B2C side.

Our challenge is to bring that creative energy while keeping our roots in data-driven decision-making, smart audience segmentation, and measurable results. When it comes to creativity or data, it’s not one or the other — it’s using each to build upon the strengths of the other.

LinkedIn launched a new suite of tools and tactics to help you do just that. From consulting to branding to content creation and amplification, we want LinkedIn to be synonymous with the very best that B2B marketing can be. You bring your big ideas and smart solutions, and we’ve got the rest.

This week’s roundup highlights what’s new and what has changed for B2B on LinkedIn, as well as the philosophy of B2B marketing that’s driving these innovations.

Growing Your Business Through Our Local Ideas.

There are many businesses with no prior experience, receiving certain level of growth, because the Entrepreneur and or Executive leading the business master the art of creating Customer Lifetime Value.

let me break it down;

Customer Lifetime Value, is the profit margin a company expects to earn over the entirety of their business relationship with the average customer.

A company can also mean an individual or sole proprietorship, ie, artist, independent contractor, reseller.

For example, that provision store you buy provisions from daily, monthly, yearly.

If you will live in that community for 10 years, the provision store owner can calculate the profit margin he/she will earn from you while you live in that community for a decade or less.

Through your business, you will gain unbelievable customers and you will lose some too. However, a great entrepreneur intentionally seeks ways or what he/she can do to keep a long growing relationship with a client who can always practice repeat and regular patronage.

Therefore, if you gain a new customer and the relationship lasts only for 3 months to ensure you create an excellent buying experience that will push the customer to buy more from you within that 3 months (Lifetime with you).

More purchase from you, more sales you make and more profit for the community development.


Order our online software product for a free price & scale your business digitally. Common, this is just another sources of unexpected income, you got nothing to loose really.

Our business E-Book contains,

Guaranteed Sales Methods,

Psychology of Consumers Behaviour,

Decoding Digital Codes for Consumers Buying Patterns,

Legitimate Internet Money Making Skills for beginners and experts,

Digital Customer Service Advantage,

The Foundation of Digital Economy,

Internet Business Sustainability,

Internet Business Creativity,

The Force of Advancement in Digital Career/Business

Digital Business Dominance,

Execution Habits, and many more E-book from The Internet Village Software Corporation.


Designing and deploying techniques that can optimize the lifetime value of existing and new digital customers is so critical for the business to sustain a growing trend.

To gain new customers, invest in a lot of digital marketing and sales delivery (guaranteed affiliate marketing), to achieve incredible lifetime value invest in customer relationship building activities (customer relationship manager).

Invest in the two to shine.

When customers develop a relationship to your brand they will not only be loyal to you for longer, they will become your product evangelists.


Prof. JJ Robinson

Principle Developer, Internet Village.

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