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Writer's pictureJJ Robinson

$500,000 USAID Grant

We should invest in Internet connectivity globally because it can help people access educational resources, find job opportunities, and connect with others. Increased broadband Internet can help businesses improve access to new markets, customers, and suppliers, helping them to grow and create jobs. Additionally, governments can deliver public services, such as health care and education, more efficiently online.

Better Internet access can help to improve access to digital financial services. Many individuals and small businesses in developing countries lack access to traditional banking services, making it difficult for them to save money, access credit, and participate in the formal economy. Digital financial inclusion provides mobile banking, online lending platforms, and new financial products, driving economic growth and development.

The Gambia National Cleaning Exercise is BACK.

Date: Saturday 28 January 2023

Time 9AM - 1PM

Venue: Banjul City Council BCC - Kanifing Municipal Council KMC - Brikama Area Council BAC - Janjanbureh Area Council JAC - Kerewan Area Council KAC - Mansakonko Area Council MAC - Kuntaur Area Council,

We the patriots urges Every Gambian citizen and Law Abiding Residents to Join their Communities in The National Clean Up Exercise.

Starting in February, we will offer training on Nation Waste Management and Recycling System.

Join us...

Powered by the Central Government.

Endorsed by Honorable Minister of Environmental, Climate Change.

Approved by National Environmental Agency.

Represented by Gambia Environmental Alliance.

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USAID Digital Invest for Internet Connectivity and Digital Financial Services

USAID’s Innovation, Technology, and Research Hub has launched another Digital Invest blended finance program that seeks to catalyze private investment that advances open, interoperable, reliable, inclusive, and secure internet connectivity and digital financial services. This effort builds on the Digital Economy and original Digital Invest programs.

This year’s call for partnership concepts is now open to accelerate sustainable market growth for digital connectivity and financial technology companies serving traditionally excluded consumer populations in developing markets that will:

Support the sustainable growth and expansion of competitive internet service providers (ISPs) and related telecommunications infrastructure companies in developing markets.

Support the sustainable growth and expansion of competitive financial technology companies in developing markets.

USAID can develop multiple public-private partnerships, each with approximately $500,000 in USG grant capital, and an equal if not greater amount of private sector resource commitments.

Potential private sector partners that meet basic eligibility criteria can engage in exploratory conversations and co-creation with USAID to explore high-impact, catalytic, and market-driven uses of grant funding in a blended finance approach to mobilize private capital for internet connectivity and digital financial services in developing markets.

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