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Writer's pictureJJ Robinson

Journey of the soul

Greetings to Internet Villagers.

Embrace Your Journey, Redefining Success on Your Own Terms.

An Entrepreneur should not be comfortable without own approval. For many years, I have Helped Kept Internet Village safe and Going by Supporting my Work. I am grateful I did.

In the symphony of life, we often find ourselves lost in a cacophony of societal expectations.

It's as though we're handed a script on how to live, dictating our career choices, relationships, and even our definition of success. This narrative is not just about personal growth; it's about breaking free from the these matrix impositions and redefining our identity and values.

My journey since 2000, has riddled with depression and self-doubt, serves as a testament to the transformative power of aligning life with personal values rather than external expectations.

Growing up, I was ensnared in the relentless pursuit of societal benchmarks of success.

A lucrative career, a picturesque relationship, and material wealth became my unwitting aspirations. However, this blind chase left me feeling hollow, as if I was a spectator in my own life.

Depression crept in, a silent alarm signaling the incongruence between my actions and my true self. It was a painful realization, but also the first step towards genuine self-discovery towards the journey of The Soul.

While I was Standing at life's crossroads, the choice was mine: follow the well-trodden path of societal expectations or bravely step towards the bright horizon of self-discovery and authentic living.

Depression, in my experience, was not merely a mental health issue. It was a profound indication that my life was out of syncopation with my innermost values and aspirations.

The relentless pursuit of prescribed societal goals had left me emotionally bankrupt. This period was marked by intense introspection, where I began to question everything I had been conditioned to value.

The path to self-discovery was not linear. It involved peeling back layers of societal conditioning and bravely confronting the vulnerabilities and fears that lay beneath. I realized that my true values were not aligned with what I had been chasing. This revelation was both liberating and daunting.

Liberating, because I finally understood what mattered to me; daunting, because it meant steering my life in a completely new direction.

Redefining success was pivotal in my journey. Success, I learned, is deeply personal and cannot be universally quantified. For me, it became about creating meaningful connections, pursuing passions, and contributing positively to the world.

This shift in perspective was empowering. It meant that I no longer had to live up to an arbitrary standard; instead, I could forge my own path based on what truly resonated with me.

Breaking away from the traditional path was challenging but necessary. It required immense courage to let go of the security that comes with conformity. However, this leap into the unknown was essential for authentic living. It was about taking control of my life narrative, replacing societal scripts with personal aspirations and values. This phase was experimental and purpose-driven, filled with trials and errors, but every step was a move towards a more authentic self.

This journey culminated in an unwavering commitment to live a life of purpose, serving to humanity with love from heart, (God) and meaning, tailored to my unique values and aspirations.

The metaphor of life as a journey became my reality, one where every step is intentional and every decision, an expression of my true self. It's a life where success is measured not by societal standards, but by personal fulfillment and the joy of living in alignment with who I truly am. An embodiment of wealth and vitality.

In sharing my journey, I hope to inspire others to embark on their own path of self-discovery.

It's a journey that challenges societal norms, requires introspection, and demands courage.

But the reward is a life lived authentically, rich in personal fulfillment and true happiness.

Remember, God is the author and finisher of your life story; we are just a pencil in the hands of the creator of our mindset, make it a narrative that resonates with your deepest values and aspirations.

You see, society has this playbook, filled with rules on how we should live, what jobs to pursue, whom to love, and how to measure success.

But let me tell you, these scripts often lead us down a path that's far from our true selves, leaving us feeling empty and unfulfilled. It's like wearing a costume that doesn't fit; it looks right to the outside world, but inside, it's uncomfortable and stifling.

I know this struggle all too well. I've been there, trapped in the shadows of depression, feeling lost and disconnected from the world.

But the moment I started to peel off those layers of societal expectations, to question the ‘whys’ of my life, that's when the magic began. That's when I started to breathe, to live, and to find joy in chaos, preparing the authenticity of my own story.

And now, I invite you to take that brave step.

Any time, whenever you come across this content, look up Internet Village TV, read and watch my articles, videos.

Then look within and ask yourself – are you living a life that's true to you? It's not an easy journey, I won't sugarcoat it. It takes courage to challenge societal norms, to redefine success in your own terms, and to align your life with your personal values and morals.

But the reward, oh the reward, is a life of genuine happiness and fulfillment. Imagine waking up every day feeling empowered, knowing that you're on a path that resonates deeply with your inner self. This is not just about overcoming depression or breaking free from societal chains; the matrix,

it's about taking control of your narrative, embracing your unique identity, and living a life that's rich with purpose and meaning.

So, take that first step, be bold, be brave, and embark on the most rewarding journey of your life with us, join us today, but Remember, in the quest to find yourself, you’re not just surviving; you're thriving, crafting a life story that's uniquely and wonderfully yours.

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We are on a journey to rediscover our true self.

The Journey of the Soul.

Thank you for reading

Editor X

JJ Robinson.

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