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Writer's pictureJJ Robinson

Make Millions Through Body Cameras for Peace

Very little smart Research and raising the quality of body cameras can give a company a strategic advantage to a rising multi billion dollar industry. Like most technologies, the rich and government are the targets of most companies, but history has repeatedly shown seeking the ordinary public can be highly rewarding. It is time to help the poor with high quality body cameras to deter crime, improve services at workplaces, help solve crimes, etc. Our target should be to raise the quality and reduce the cost for mass affordability. Investing Few hundreds of thousands to five million dollars will probably make you over hundred million dollars within five years, while helping, and I will outlined the major steps, from research to sales. If you are poor, forward to millionaires or billionaires and they may gratefully give you and I commission , plus imagine how much God will reward 'the peace makers'. The present top body camera makers must improve or be overthrown.

Research: Having the right team is crucial to business, including research. You primarily need good storage, good camera lens, and great software. The secondary needs include batteries, which are increasingly getting smaller and powerful. A 200GB USB flash drive can be very small these days and please research the average storage capacity of body cameras today. By buying a USB flash drive company; a cheap or great mobile phone company with exceptional camera; and a bulky home+ camera security company for software coding and others; you will have a solid foundation to research and produce higher quality body cameras within a short time. The three companies you bought can still be about one to three million dollars, depending on many factors. So they can continue to make products, which guarantees you income, but all smart employees can now work together and overtime on the research for reasonable time compensation and big bonus for achievers. Of course you can hire new employees who may speed up positive results.

Present Body Camera Realities: The top companies are focused on government contracts, which can amount to millions of dollars and no affordability issue, so they are almost indifferent to selling to ordinary civilians. They have few 'good' models at around $100+ in the u.s, and our target is to get many great models at around $20 to $50 in variety of options. Chain camera, sun glass camera, shoe camera, belt camera, hat camera, watch camera, hanging pen camera, etc. Even without government contracts, if you sell five to fifty million great products, at about five dollars profit per product will amount to how much? Trust me, many will buy multiple ones. One million people may buy three+ for themselves to get multiple angles. Smart companies will buy for employees to improve service and reduce hard to solve complaints, then 'dumb' companies will follow and millions of poor folks may eventually follow, especially where governments enact fine sharing laws. Your camera caught a litterer , we give you 15 to xyz % of the fine and cameras will mean cleaner environment and better health? The police are reluctantly accepting body cameras in limited governments, but civilians need cameras than police. Florida and how many places are wrongly banning recording police, but the federal government, judges, and ordinary people must resist. So spend more or less millions through us for police body cameras, but shift few billions from the department of defence and others towards funding research and subsidy for initial mass boost. Free body cameras for teenagers and/or children, and subsidized cameras for adults for one year and an extension that may never come?

Funding: Although it may be best to get one millionaire or billionaire to fund it, a good project proposal can tap some governments, NGOs, and other Associations for funding . Cameras can reduce public sexual abuse and even crowd funding such after achievements are possible. Salaries should always be average, but achievement bonuses can be very high, and consider marijuana users on such research team. Some strains are with higher intelligence for truth and kindness, and cameras are thus Godly. You can mention me with persons for further advice and questions they may have, but do not mention me to the u.s government, they dislike me...

Sales: Great product does half the sales, then honest salespeople just need the right clients to educate. You can argue God must help you with the right people, but we do our part on efforts and assume God will help us through. I have a formidable verifiable record on sales and will love to train salespeople for high quality body+ cameras.

The Software Team: This is a team that is very crucial to the future of quality body cameras. A great programming can minimally record at all times, but record differently on motion detection to save batteries and quicker viewing. Using the USB storage as example, adding few buttons and to manage software very smartly through light indications. This team should also work on top notch security, especially if we want government contracts and even poor governments may eventually be interested in budgeting for cameras, not just guns. Build a great product and lobby truthfully. Even ten percent of the civilians will outnumber how much government may buy for police, then the people may lobby for you and tell friends. Simple testing and usage matters, so the team must work hard as they are out to save human lives, beyond earthly hell. The team can work on Bluetooth and other linking mechanisms for multiple storage. A button for live social media or police linking with live video, etc. Not all models need to have such. Keeping some dream features secret for now.

The secondary needs: Battery usage can largely depend on software management. Quick recharging through USB is perhaps best for universal accessibility. Smart buttons for the blind+ will help. Multiple attaching options as accessory.

Internal vs external threats. It is not hard to see how cameras can help stabilize a country, if they pursue sins between creatures similar to how many hunted marijuana users for decades. Mass civilian Cameras can deter invasion or at least help solve the crimes. Imagine if 75 to 90% of adult civilians in Ukraine had multiple body cameras? U.S and Russia have largely secured world weapon sales, but even poor governments can shift the funds of few roads to camera funding and be a game changer, selling cameras worldwide and bringing peace without bullets+. Individuals, associations, companies, and governments must rush towards a culture of cameras and quality ones.

Voluntary Personal sacrifice: You can spent hours complaining about corruption and others, the taxes you paid are hardly voluntary; prayer is good, but may not be enough. How much time, thinking, and money you are willing to sacrifice on and beyond cameras gauge gratitude. Where you cannot think, you appreciate thinkers by helping pay for their time and efforts. There is a verse in the Koran that says: 'give something to the prophet when you visit him...' why? You are literally taking consulting time and imagine the long hours he and have to pray at night for knowledge that benefit you and I. It is not just the prophet, you should financially appreciate voluntary knowledge and time, even where the giver may not charge. Beside praying, sharing, and discussing, crowd fund or buy products like cameras to co-police government and those you deem evil in society. For example, average Gambian/African spends how much on praise singers and marabouts per year versus those you deem voluntary educators or researchers? If you refuse to spend on cameras for character+, when they steal thousands from you, why should you expect empathy and government should over spend our taxes to pursue the culprits? Our generation demands culture of cameras and it is best in civilian hands over governments. We cannot own satellites they may selectively publish images, but we can outnumber them on cameras. Deterrence and indirect help are sometimes not very visible to some, but still beneficial. Reduce the amount of shoes and clothes you give, instead give cameras, seeds for gardening, and others for safer production, food security, general security, etc.

Excuses: Like every good, the devil may use fear+ to discourage good. Public places demand public responsibility, not illusory privacy to appease cowards. The famous have different problems and sometimes use the poor to have unnecessary fear. The tolerable mistake of a poor man, caught on camera, will not be over pursued by average government or the gossiping people. We are entering a new era, and people must learn to be presidential in many public places, and take your 'privacy' to private places. Businesses have the full right to record their business places, but the law should force them to notify people. Right to do and right to know, then you decide. Businesses who avoid cameras should pay extra for harder judicial resolution. If ten bad people have cameras and edit for fractional facts, it is twenty good people with cameras that can help juxtapose and expose the prosecutable lies than marijuana... There may be hiccups like a parent wanting bullying children punished more, but we will adjust as it will evidently reduces bullying.

Optional Note: I used the expensive and secure option of buying multiple companies, but one can just hire the right folks and get started. Buying a body camera company is not bad, but change the name once the research become significantly fruitful. University students or recent graduates should see it as opportunity. The present or future demands almost every work to be on camera, not blind trust. Construction as example, the companies will benefit, but if governments demand or encourage work recording to investigate potential disaster in the future, the consumer will benefit... bullying will reduce from schools to other places. So forward not just to rich folks, but universities, and friends in similar fields. Students can consider owning a brand, instead of a manufacturing company, but research and higher product are vital. We can lead and politicians will follow. They can reasonably regulate commercializing videos, but never allow government to deny you right to record in public places and sharing for justice or even learning purpose... God's deeper cameras are always on for life after death and indirect earthly judgements, but man made cameras are the blessings to tackle sins between creatures. Do not let hypocritical religious folks and politicians paint it negative, the good far outweighs potential abuse that can be prosecuted. Share and may God make it fruitful beyond our imagination and earthly desires.

The good should not fear cameras, we should invest on them to help ourselves, our children, and other vulnerable ones.

May God bless Showlove Trinity: Let's learn, let's work, let's have fun.

By Jarga Kebba Gigo An Activist and Transformer. Twitter: jarga-k-gigo@jarga-k-gigo

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JJ Robinson
JJ Robinson
Jul 23, 2022

Smart Initiative.

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