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Writer's pictureJJ Robinson

The Spiritual World

Upon the physical death of a person, their consciousness remains intact and is carried by their spirit to the spirit world.

You might compare the process to the software that can be attached to a computer to copy every keystroke. While many human attitudes and concerns are shed on a spirit’s brief journey to the spirit world, the memories remain intact. As a spirit is greeted by loved ones, there will already be some blending of the two consciousness, with the human aspect knowing themselves as spirit at the same time as they embrace the spirit of a loved one as if they are still a mortal. Over the course of the first three stages of transition back to the spirit world, human consciousness will gradually merge with that of the spirit and help to forge their permanent identity, and it will still be close to the surface during the life review in Stage 3.

By the conclusion of the life review, which might take anywhere from several weeks to a few years, depending on how advanced the spirit is and the complexities of the lifetime, human consciousness will have fully merged with that of the spirit.

In Stage 4 of transition, on the plane of decision, it is the spirit who will decide which of the memories of the lifetime to make a part of their permanent identity. It will not necessarily be the most enjoyable or exciting of the memories, but those related to the lessons learned and significant relationships, including both positive and negative aspects. It is likely that one’s human identity and memories will remain close to the surface for some time, depending on how closely they relate to the spirit’s established identity and how significant they are to them when compared to previous lifetimes.

They will never be forgotten and can be accessed by the spirit at any time.

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